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This Cubs four game skid has been unpleasant to say the least…Bottom line is, these guys need to score more runs. Yes, I am a master of the obvious! Without going into the reasons why the team isn’t hitting or why the bullpen has struggled, I would like to talk to the many fans who are already jumping off this season’s Cubs ship.
After recently checking the blogosphere temperature regarding Cubs fans feelings about the rough start this season, I found a lot of negativity. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by this, as Cubs loyalists we are always on the lookout for early signs of an apocalyptic college of coaches type bad season, and we certainly expect to be kicked in the teeth right at the precipice of something great…but folks it’s April 21…April, not May or June but frickin April. The negative fan can see that with such limited time left in the season there is virtually no way the Cubs can make up this current huge 4 game deficit. As for me, I’m not worried…yet. I certainly haven’t heard Ole Captain Lou yell “every person for himself, this sucker is sinking”, in reality this ship has barely left the dock.
The Cubs have had some pretty good starting pitching and if that continues it’s a good sign they can be competitive this year. With Theodore coming back as a starter this weekend one of the other solid and experienced arms helps by moving to the pen.
I’ve even read plenty of criticism of new Cubs batting coach Rudy Jaramillo…bet most of us are glad our full days work isn’t judged by the first 10 minutes in the office. We all know the team has some issues right now and is attempting to work through them. This Cubs club has a lot of veteran presence so I for one will give them some time to get on track before passing any judgements on the season’s eventual outcome.
I’m no doctor, hell, I didn’t even stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night but I’m going to prescribe some needed medication to those of you already writing off the Cubs season…Take a large CHILL PILL. My point isn’t that the Cubs will at some time just start kicking some azz and run over the Central but only that its to early to tell how this season will end up.
You can come back here and tell me “I told you so” if the Cubs are still playing poorly and sucking wind 6 to 8 weeks from now.
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