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The lack of blogging the past 3 days has been due to my need to take care of some non-Cubs related work. I appreciate the concern for those who wondered if I was ill or something. I’m feeling fantastic, and spent parts of the past three days over at Fitch Park watching the Cubs minor league teams in action. Saw Travis Wood chuck 5 scoreless innings (with 8 K’s) for Daytona on the Cubs day off Wednesday, as he kept on his rotation. On the other field at Fitch, I saw Gioskar Amaya go 3-for-3 for the Kane County team. Here is a detailed write up from Fitch of that Cubs minor league action by Arizona Phil at The Cub Reporter.
The Cubs take on the Angels today at Hohokam, the game is on WGN-TV, so punch up the DVR if needed. Perfect spring training weather on tap, looking like a high temp of about 77 degrees and abundant sunshine. I’m guessing we are going to have our first capacity crowd of the spring season today. Hard to believe it’s the final week of spring training already. It comes and goes so fast, at least for me. I’m sure the players feel different than I do on that count. With 4 games at Hohokam in the next 6 days, I’ll be blogging regularly as we get ready for opening day. Will have a couple of other cool things lined up for your viewing pleasure this week. Go Cubs!!
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