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The new look Boys of Spring – is up and running, we will be working out any bugs in the next week. My goal is to give you the best of what the Cubs spring training experience is all about…At least in an online version. The real Cubs spring training experience must be done in person at least once in your life; be warned if you come once, you may become addicted.
I had my first spring training Cubs chat this morning with Josh Houchins host of WGEM radio’s SportsCenter Show out of Quincy, Illinois aided by his super producer Broc Hampsmire. A big hello to anyone in the Quincy area who might be checking in after hearing this morning’s show…I’ll be on the WGEM SportsCenter show talking Cubs this spring every Thursday at 8:30am Central time.
After the show I was on to working out some of the bugs for the redesigned Boys of Spring (BOS) website with my design guru Don Myers of Woolf Studio out of Colorado Springs, Co. The age of the internet is pretty amazing when you can work across 800 miles to accomplish this type of thing.
The bottom line is I was late getting over to Fitch Park today. When I parked on E. 6th Place south of Fitch I noticed the wind had picked up and was blowing to the SW towards 6th…So, since I was only going to see the end of practice I grabbed the leather and decided to see if I could shag a ball or two hit over the fence. Sometimes the kid in me takes over, what I can say. Well, what I can say is, I now have my first spring training Cubs souvie of 2009.
Cubs Spring Training is here!
It came with a free autograph from the $18 million dollar man – Allan Huber Selig Jr.
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